Walking on the roads of Hyderabad is a feat. By the way, why are we talking about walking 'on the road'? Are we not supposed to walk on the foot-path? Yes, we have to walk on the foot-path, if there is one :-). I know what you are thinking... yes, there are foot-paths in Hyderabad. But, are they built for walking? They doesn't seem to be. They are meant for safe guarding the trees. You will hardly have any space to walk on the foot-paths, with trees all over the foot-path. I bet you will not be able finish walking the foot-path without stepping on the road. So, we have to talk about walking on the road. Agreed....???
As per traffic rules, we have to walk on the left, if there is a foot-path. If foot-path is not there, we have to walk on the right. Walking on the right... surprised...??? Don't be surprised... when there is foot-path, it is safe to walk on the left. But, if there is no foot-path, and if we walk on the left side, there is possibility of some vehicles hitting us from behind. It is better to be hit from the front, atleast we will know that they are hitting us and we will try to avoid the hit, if we walk on the right. I hope you got it. So, let's all walk on the right side of the road if there is no foot-path.
I guess you are wrong in terms of foot-path. Foot-paths are meant for putting shops or for beggers. We hardly have any trees over them. If at all there are trees, the electricity department never spares them.